Housing Requirements
The Blinn College District conducts criminal background checks on all housing residents prior to acceptance into campus housing and prior to each semester. A portion of the non-refundable application fee will pay for a criminal history check. Students who have any convictions or pending charges for a felony, Class A Misdemeanor, or Class B Misdemeanor will not be able to live on campus. The $125 (new students) or $50 (returning students) application fee will not be refunded.
Should, during the course of a semester, a resident student be charged with a criminal offense that would have precluded them from being eligible to move into housing, that student will not be eligible to remain in housing. The student may reapply for housing at a later date but will be subject to all housing requirements.
All students are required to maintain health insurance coverage continuously while enrolled and attending Blinn College. The student must provide proof of coverage that meets the requirement of the College. Any lapse in coverage during the time the student is enrolled at the College will be considered a breach of the housing agreement and will result in the immediate removal of that student from their housing assignment.
Students will need to submit a current copy of their insurance card. Students will need to log into their myBLINN portal and click on Menu > Student Services > Housing > Proof of health insurance.
Apartment-style living offers more independent living options for students and requires a high level of maturity. Students living in Blinn College Park Apartments (BCPA) who are found responsible for violating a College policy are at risk for being removed from Blinn College Park Apartments (BCPA).
Eligibility for Blinn College Park Apartments (BCPA) housing is based on the following criteria:
- Current Blinn Students
- Minimum 2.25 GPA
- Disciplinary record: Two or less points
- New Blinn Students
- Minimum 3.0 GPA from high school
- Two letters of recommendation emailed to housing@images-collector.com (from current high school administrator, teacher, or counselor)
Note: Current Blinn students will receive priority over new students. Additionally, eligibility for living in the apartments does not guarantee availability.
Requests for exceptions to these requirements must be submitted to the Housing Office for review. The Housing Office reserves the right to place special populations in the Blinn College Park Apartments (BCPA) facilities.
For all information, rules, and regulations pertaining to campus housing, please review our student resident life handbook.